Thursday, October 16, 2008

World of Warcraft - We giveth and taketh away

If anyone remembers...a couple of months or so ago, my account for WoW had been reactivated.
I blogged about this little issue...(gone in a Nuclear Explosion of Russian Proportions now...)
Unbeknownst to me, someone had logged into my account, and activated it with some credit card that did not exist in my list of cards.
I notified Blizzard of this, closed down the subscription and changed passwords, the whole 9 yards.

Blizzard never gave notice of the subscriber issues, but credited my characters gold (as one upper level had been stripped).

Today, I received this email after almost 2 months?.


Access to the World of Warcraft account ****(my account)***, has been temporarily disabled due to a dispute filed against the account's past payments. This dispute was filed by the bank, credit card company, or financial institution associated with the payment on the account.

As a result of this dispute, funds paid on the account were withdrawn from Blizzard Entertainment in direct violation of the account's terms. This is known as a "chargeback."

Now, nothing is accesible on this account, as it has been terminated.

This is what I consider the best way to NEVER go back to WoW.

Thanks mysterious account hacker, I appreciate it.

Thanks Blizzard for being stupid about this, and not handling the situation as I asked for.

WoW-free and clean for 1 year and counting...WooT!


Zeebrat said...

Sweet! Good for you! Friggin' Blizzard.

Elementalistly said...

Can you imagine?
I sent them an email notifying them of this situation.
I note a second attempt to change my password, and notify them.
I state that the credit card must NOT be in my name as it is not one I own (no card matches the last 4 digits)
I tell them my character is stripped clean.

And this is their findings.

Blame me for a chargeback and disable my account..


Seems all the money they make cannot help them hire a competent staff.

Crimson Starfire said...

Man that sux. For someone to perform a 'chargeback' I think they need to know all your credit card details? Might be worth checking out...

Stupid Blizzard...

Anonymous said...

That really sucks.

I think many of these game companies have not yet realised that they to a large extent need to be or have to become service-oriented companies.

They are not just developers. It would be interesting to see how many people they have staffed for customer service, what kind of procedures they have in place to handle customer issues etc.

My guess is that many of them have yet to fully appreciate what that requires.

Elementalistly said...

It would be interesting to see how many people they have staffed for customer service, what kind of procedures they have in place to handle customer issues etc.
I can answer that sir...let me just look at my script on my computer for the right answer...


Yea...kinda like that.